The best way to track student progress.

1. RosterHound is a master student database

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Just think of this little guy as your friend. He's gonna help you find all the information you need about your lessons and help you find it FAST!

You could say that he's got a nose for that sort of thing!

RosterHound is the best way to keep up with all of your student's information. Find what you need instantly!

From Lesson Plans, Lesson Times, Attendance, Recitals, and Contact Information, RosterHound does it all!

2. RosterHound keeps GREAT student records and lesson plans!

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Like we said, RosterHound is a teaching tool first. It allows you to create beautiful student lesson plans that you can search quickly! No matter your style of creating lesson plans, RosterHound time stamps each lesson plan that you create! Both you, your students, and your student's parents can log in and see what they're supposed to be working on. But don't worry - only you get to edit them!

3. RosterHound is a media hub for all of your musical sources!

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Do you find yourself searching your browser, computer, or all over while looking for the same PDF, Lead Sheet, or YouTube video link? Well now you can keep them all in one searchable database. You'll never look for that lead sheet or missing YouTube link again!

4. RosterHound keeps your schedule in check!

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RosterHound can manage as many people's schedules as you want. Are you the only instructor? Do you need to keep up with 1 or 800 student lesson schedules? Do you have five instructors, 150 students, but only three rooms? That's perfectly fine! RosterHound's calendar feature can manage multiple rooms and schedules. With a conflict manager built in, you won't have to worry about sharing the same room again!

Do you need to schedule a student to repeat weekly or bi-weekly? RosterHound can do that too! You can set the length of each lesson and RosterHound will make sure that your lesson times run smoothly!

5. RosterHound makes communication easy!

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RosterHound makes communication with your teaching team a breeze! If you have more than one instructor or you need to reach out to another person in your company, RosterHound does that all in house! No need to chase down e-mails or set up a company e-mail for a new instructor. Just enter them into RosterHound and they'll see any communication when they log in to the dashboard!

We all know that the success of any teaching team (no matter the size) relies on good communication. RosterHound puts that all under one roof! No more "missed e-mails" or "lost text messages". When you log in, you'll see every important piece of information at your fingertips!

6. RosterHound works great on any platform!

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RosterHound was designed to work (and look great) on desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones. Obviously a bigger screen will allow you to see more data at once but don't worry - even if you're away from your computer you can check and edit any student data that you create!

And since RosterHound is a web-based app, you never have to install software or upgrade again! You always have the latest version!

Got a Mac, PC, Chromebook, or Android Device? Cool Beans! RosterHound works with all of them!

Do you teach music? RosterHound is for you!

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